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The other night I was looking for a particular verse in Ephesians and happen to see this verse and quite frankly, it stopped me in my tracks.  "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."  Ephesians 2:10 KJV  I mean, since God created every one of us, how could there be so much hatred of other people? Yes, there are many different colors and many nationalities, but all created by one God.  
Look at these children, if we hate their parents, how can they be taught love thy neighbor, love others?

I heard a minister sometime ago say that if you cut down in our skin we all bled the same color. So my thoughts ran in the direction of the question why? Why do people hate other people because of their color and where they came from?

Stop and think, in each one of us, He created talents and skills to help each other, to lift each other up and to share the wonders that He so graciously created.

I thought of a time in our history where we hated other nationalities who came to our shores and we looked down on them, because they weren't like us. Now today those people are generations of Americans.

Since we are all made by the one God, does it make you want to understand where the hatred comes from?

Was that passed down from generation to generation? Think back, did you hear your parents, grandparents, and others in your family put down other people due to color of skin and where they came from?

Growing up, I never heard my parents, grandparents or others in my family utter anything unkind about anyone. In fact, my grandfather taught all of us, "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all".

There are good people and there are not so good people. There skin color has nothing to do with whether they are good or bad. Yet, we seem to have a tendency to lump them all in one pile.

If you stop and think about those words, that we are God's workmanship, does it stand to reason then there should not be this hatred among us for others.

In truth, we do more harm to ourselves than we do to them if hatred is bubbling around in our minds and heart. For with these thoughts and feelings there can't be true joy; some physicians say hatred creates toxins in our bodies that make us sick.

Maybe we should ask God to open our eyes, to see others as He sees them, to love others as He loves them. To give us compassion and understanding, to remove hatred from our very beings.

Wouldn't you rather live in a world of love than hate?


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