Holy Week , in the Christian church, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter , observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ . In the Greek and Roman liturgical books, it is called the Great Week because great deeds were done by God during this week. The name Holy Week was used in the 4th century by St. Athanasius , bishop of Alexandria , and St. Epiphanius of Constantia . (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Holy-Week) Holy Week consist of Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and leads us to Easter Sunday! Billy Graham said, “When Jesus hung on the cross, a great unseen cosmic battle raged in the heavens—and in the end, Christ triumphed over all the forces of evil and death and hell.” This week is not only sad, but is joyful. We can praise God that Christ Is Risen! Blessings