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Showing posts with the label Dreaming and Growing

Dream of Tomorrow!

  Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to dream of tomorrow.” As I mulled this over, I was taken aback as I contemplated the truth of this. I can understand how you would be looking at the seeds you plant thinking of what they would look like as they grow. Nurturing them each day and seeing each one break through the ground and their faces showing. Their growth continuing until they fully matured. So yes, planting a garden is like dreaming of tomorrow. Mary Cantwell said, “Gardeners, I think, dream bigger dreams than emperors.” In truth, I believe they do. The Lord also causes us to grow. Our food and water comes from His word. The more we read God's words in scripture, the more we grow in Christ and the stronger we become in our faith. Blessings!

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