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Showing posts from 2021

Merry Christmas

  I am so excited about December. All our family will be gathering this Christmas, unlike last Christmas. I know everyone will be looking forward to spending time with their families and friends as the days go by in the month. In the hustle and bustle, and the gift buying, I hope we can all focus on the one true gift of Christmas. The baby boy born to a virgin who came into the world to save the world. . .


  There is a widely popular rock song in which the singer says to someone else, “Put a ring on it.” Now how does this relate to us and poetry? Well, both suggest a proposal and a follow-up commitment. But how do we get friends and acquaintances to commit? To poetry? Let’s look at some of the ways our poetry can present the “ring.”. . .

Happy June

  Happy June to All! What a fantastic month.  I love this month for so many reasons. The flowers are out in radiant colors. Just hard to pin-point which is the prettiest. ​ It is also a month where seniors will be graduating from high school. They are all so excited to be finished with these chapters of their lives and anticipating wondrous chapters of new as they leave the halls of their school. . .

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