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Getting and Giving!


This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. I think this reflects the broader theme of obedience and devotion plus the rewards of faithfully serving our God. This is what Hezekiah instilled in the people. And it works.
Hezekiah was blessed by God and prospered.

It worked then, it works now. It is important that we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to God and obey His commandments.

I read somewhere that sacrificial giving is of God's people. But it goes deeper than giving our money, time and talents. It goes down to the core of our sacrificing the necessary things in our own lives so we can draw close to God. One the people drew close to God they could serve others better. This means we could too. It isn't all about us getting, it is truly about us giving.



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Philippians 4:6    (paraphrased) Do not be anxious about anything. In everything-pray and petition (God) with thanksgiving (if you ask him for anything or if you ask him to do something then thank him for doing it.). So tell me, what isn't clear about that? God's word says don't be anxious...another way to put it is don't worry. Don't do it. Now obviously there is a good reason He doesn't want us to worry or be anxious about anything.  And the reason is what it does to our health. You see worry and anxiety cause our body to go into a flight or fight mode which releases chemicals into the body. These chemicals over a prolonged time cause the chemicals to become toxic to the body causing problems with our organs and muscles...on a daily basis this produces symptoms such as headaches and worse can cause strokes or heart attacks. Okay, so now that we know worry and anxiety are bad for us. What now? God said pray. In other words talk to Him. Tell Him what's

The Sadness and Hurt Caused By Others

  Attacks hit Ukraine children's hospital. We wonder how people could want to hurt children. It makes us angry. But we forget that the great adversary of humanity, is the devil, and when people do not have Christ in their hearts, then the devil enters in. All we have to do is look to see what is going on in the Ukraine. A man who has succumbed to the enemy and wants to pump himself up and take what it not his. To read more of this click here: Hospital This happened before, and was done by a man called Adolf Hitler. He was power hungry and caused devastation all over Europe. Let's face it, there is evil in the world. We must pray asking God to save the Ukrainian people from this agressive enemy and cause him to be pushed out of the Ukraine. Franklin Graham said, "“Our prayers not only are needed, but the greatest hope we have is that God has not forgotten the Ukraine. I want people to know that God has not forgotten them. God hasn’t turned His back on them,” he continued.&q

Can You Be A Special Messenger?

  Paul, was a special messenger. An Apostle. Jesus Christ chose Paul personally to represent Him for the faith of God’s chosen ones. Jesus wanted Paul to lead and encourage them to recognize and pursue the knowledge of the truth which leads to godliness. Who better to represent Him than a man who persecuted Him and His followers in the beginning and who had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ himself on the road to Damascas. He could speak with conviction and truth. The Lord wanted them to have hope and a divine guarantee of eternal life, the life which God, who is ever truthful and without deceit, promised before the ages of time began. This is what God has given us. Truth. A divine guarantee of eternal life with Him. The Lord has loved us so much that He wants us to have hope, yes, but also to have that guarantee of eternal life with Him. We can be like Paul, and share this news with those who do not know it.  Don't forget Jesus gave us instructions, he said, "Go therefo

Were You In The Locked Room?

  Jesus said, "Peace be unto you." Imagine you were with the disciples in the Upper Room; the doors are locked. Everyone is afraid of the Jewish leaders coming after them. Not only were they fearful, for their lives, but they lost their rock, Jesus. The man they leaned on, and depended on. He was with them for over 3 years, teaching them. Their friend. They could always count on Him. They ate with Him, played, slept, and prayed with Him. Now He was gone. Their whole world had been turned upside down. They didn't know what to do. They were in the upper room, the last place they had been with Jesus. What is it like for you sitting there with the disciples? Then suddenly, a man appeared in the room. They aren't sure who He is and they are wondering how he got in the locked room. The man says, "Peace be unto you." When he said this, he held out His hands and shewed them His side. It was Jesus. Can you imagine how thrilled the disciples were to see Him. Their jo

Making The Right Choice

"Every act of irreverence for life, every act which neglects life, which is indifferent to and wastes life, is a step towards the love of death. This choice man must make at every minute. Never were the consequences of the wrong choice as total and as irreversible as they are today. Never was the warning of the Bible so urgent: 'I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life, that you and your children may live.'" Erich Fromm What we seem to forget is that God loves us. He sent His son to die on the cross for all of us. He created us. But remember it is up to us to accept what He did for us and receive it so we can become His children. If we reject it, then we are not His children. I accepted Christ along time ago, about 72 years ago. I made a choice because I love the Lord. And I know He loves me. My children made the choice to choose Him because they love Him. We are grateful, yes, but we also accept the responsibility that comes with the fact

The Magi's Visit-What To Give?

  "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route." Mathew 2:10-12 Imagine what Mary and Joseph must have thought when these three Magi came into the stable bringing gifts to their baby. We can assume they explained they had seen the star in the East and had followed it to the Christ Child. With them they had three gifts: Gold, frankincense and myrrh. There is a spiritual meaning concerning these three gifts. Gold recognizes Christ kingship, frankincense is a symbol of deity and myrrh a symbol of death. Mary and Joseph would have pondered these things in their hearts. I often wonder what is it we could bring to Christ to honor Him. The thought comes to mind that I can give Him

Strength In Him

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 My friend of forty-seven years, used to get up and walk every morning before going to work. We lived next door to each other then. And we both memorized this verse and repeated it every morning as we walked. It gave us a focus on where our strength would come from for the day that was ahead, regardless of what might come. Very comforting to both of us. Paul is saying, that we can do all things through Christ, not that we could do all things in ourselves. It is only Christ in us that we can come through any situation we are in. You know Paul said he was content in whatever situation he found himself in.  Christ did this in him. It wasn't Paul's doing. But Paul being in Christ and Christ in Paul, was able to go through the trials and circumstances he found himself in. Our hope is in the Lord. He came to earth and dealt with many circumstances, and I believe to show us how to deal with them. He was