Mark 9:23 "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."
Thomas Carlyle said, "Know that "Impossible", where truth and mercy and the everlasting voice of nature order, has no place in the brave man's dictionary. That when all men have said "Impossible" and tumbled noisily elsewhither, and thou alone are left, then first thy time and possibility have come. It is for thee now: do thou that, and ask no man's counsel, but thy own only and God's. Brother, thou hast possiblity in the for much, the possibility of writing on the eternal skies the record of a heroic life."
God made us to soar with the eagles not crawl on the ground. We should never believe that anything worth doing is impossible for us. Pray about it, ask God's counsel and if the two of you are in agreement that you should do a particular thing, then do it. Trusting Him to help you succeed.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you that you are my counsel. Help me to believe in myself and to trust in you. Amen
God made us to soar with the eagles not crawl on the ground. We should never believe that anything worth doing is impossible for us. Pray about it, ask God's counsel and if the two of you are in agreement that you should do a particular thing, then do it. Trusting Him to help you succeed.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you that you are my counsel. Help me to believe in myself and to trust in you. Amen
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