Matthew 6:25 Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.
Archbishop Robert Leighton said, "Cast thy burdens upon the Lord,–hand it over, heave it upon him,––and He shall sustain thee; shall bear both, if thou trust Him with both, both thee and thy burden: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
Perhaps we try to carry too many burdens. God plainly tells us to give Him our burdens, to trust Him with them. He doesn't want us carrying heavy loads. The other thing He doesn't want is for us to pile tomorrows burdens on to days. It take practice but if every time you feel those burdens you hand them over to God, eventually you will be able to let go and let Him have them. Your trust will grow.
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for being there for us. For offering to take our load of burdens on to your shoulders and off ours. Help us each day to give them to you and help our trust in you grow stronger each day.
Perhaps we try to carry too many burdens. God plainly tells us to give Him our burdens, to trust Him with them. He doesn't want us carrying heavy loads. The other thing He doesn't want is for us to pile tomorrows burdens on to days. It take practice but if every time you feel those burdens you hand them over to God, eventually you will be able to let go and let Him have them. Your trust will grow.
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for being there for us. For offering to take our load of burdens on to your shoulders and off ours. Help us each day to give them to you and help our trust in you grow stronger each day.
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