Jesus told his disciples that some of those standing there would not taste death before they saw the kingdom of God come in its power.
There are many differing explanations. But it is mostly attributed to the coming of the Holy Spirit being breathed on those in the Upper Room. Some say it was referring to the Transfiguration.
I have heard and read other descriptions but I think the two above have more credenence.
But if you remember, in Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, and Luke 9:28-36, it talks about the Transfiguration. Three disciples, Peter, James, and John, saw Jesus in a special glory. 2 Peter 1:16-18 also refers to it on the mountaintop. Jesus shone with a great bright light and Moses and Elijah appear and Jesus speaks with them.
So Peter, James and John saw Jesus standing in His Glory.
The description about the Holy Spirit being breathed shows great power coming from God to be on and in those who would be about the work of Jesus, spreading the gospel.
The important thing I think for me, is to know that Christ was and is the Son of God, and He is going to return and His Kingdom will be established forever.
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