II Chronicles 31:21 And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.
J. Ruskin said, "God is a kind Father. He sets us all in the places where He wishes us to be employed; and that employment is truly "our Father's business." He chooses work for every creature which will be delightful to them if they do it simply and humbly. He gives us always strength enough, and sense enough, for what he wants us to do; if we either tire ourselves or puzzle ourselves, it is our own fault. And we may always be sure, whatever we are doing, that we cannot be pleasing Him, if we are not happy ourselves."
Think about that. God cares what we do and He wants us to be happy in what we do. How sad that we humans try to make so many things complicated when in fact they should be easy.
Prayer: Lord God, grant us the wisdom today, to see where you want to set us in work. Help us to not make things harder but to relax in you trusting you to direct us on how to do what you want us to do. Amen
Think about that. God cares what we do and He wants us to be happy in what we do. How sad that we humans try to make so many things complicated when in fact they should be easy.
Prayer: Lord God, grant us the wisdom today, to see where you want to set us in work. Help us to not make things harder but to relax in you trusting you to direct us on how to do what you want us to do. Amen
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