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Strength In Him

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

My friend of forty-seven years, used to get up and walk every morning before going to work. We lived next door to each other then. And we both memorized this verse and repeated it every morning as we walked. It gave us a focus on where our strength would come from for the day that was ahead, regardless of what might come. Very comforting to both of us.

Paul is saying, that we can do all things through Christ, not that we could do all things in ourselves. It is only Christ in us that we can come through any situation we are in. You know Paul said he was content in whatever situation he found himself in.  Christ did this in him. It wasn't Paul's doing. But Paul being in Christ and Christ in Paul, was able to go through the trials and circumstances he found himself in.

Our hope is in the Lord. He came to earth and dealt with many circumstances, and I believe to show us how to deal with them. He was the example.

Our victory, like Paul's victory, doesn't come through our strength, but through Christ's strength. If we belong to the Lord, then we have this same union with Christ which empowers us to be victorious.

Praise God!



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His Plans

We can expect a good future full of hope and the promises of the Lord .

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